SENTENCE No. 993/2011 – lack of safety and hygiene measures at work in the accident involving an acetone tanker.   1 Roj: STSJ CAT 1493/2011 Id Cendoj: 08019340012011100960 Body: Superior Court of Justice. Social Chamber Venue: Barcelona Section: 1 Appeal No.: 2150/2010 Resolution No.: 993/2011 Procedure: Appeal Ponente: AMADOR GARCIA ROS Type of Resolution: Judgment CATALONIA SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE SOCIAL CHAMBER NIG: 08019 – 44 – 4 – 2008 – 0047399 mm MR. […]

SENTENCE No. 993/2011 – lack of safety and hygiene measures at work in the accident involving an acetone tanker. Leer más »

SENTENCE: 10195/2010.- fine of 2,001.00 euros for the commission of a very serious offense – unloading dangerous goods without the mandatory Safety Advisor. Roj: STSJ MAD 3436/2010 Id Cendoj: 28079330062010100343 Organ: Superior Court of Justice. Contentious-Administrative Chamber Location: Madrid Section: 6 Recourse Number: 156/2007 Resolution Number: 10195/2010 Procedure: ORDINARY PROCEEDINGS Speaker: RICARDO SANCHEZ SANCHEZ Type of Resolution: Judgment T.S.J. MADRID CON/AD SEC.6 MADRID JUDGMENT: 10195/2010 Recourse: 156/207 Speaker: Mr. Ricardo Sánchez Sánchez JUDGMENT No. 10195 SUPERIOR COURT

SENTENCE: 10195/2010.- fine of 2,001.00 euros for the commission of a very serious offense – unloading dangerous goods without the mandatory Safety Advisor. Leer más »


SENTENCE NUMBER 187/2013 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF MADRID CONTENTIOUS-ADMINISTRATIVE CHAMBER FACTS FIRST.- The appellant filed an administrative contentious appeal by means of a document presented on March 16, 2012, against the aforementioned act, its admission was agreed upon, and once the requisite legal procedures were formalized, he was summoned to submit a lawsuit, which


Multilateral Agreement M-254 on marking (placards) of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation

Multilateral Agreement M-254 under paragraph 1.5.1 of Annex A of the European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR), concerning the marking (plates) of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation, done at Madrid on January 10, 2013. Published in: Official State Gazette, No. 79 of April 2, 2013, pages

Multilateral Agreement M-254 on marking (placards) of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation Leer más »

CSN Instruction IS-35 design of packages for the transport of radioactive material with a certificate of approval of Spanish origin

Instruction IS-35, dated December 4, 2013, from the Nuclear Safety Council, regarding the treatment of design modifications of packages for the transport of radioactive material with a certificate of approval of Spanish origin and the physical or operational modifications made by the sender of a package on the packaging used.Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE)

CSN Instruction IS-35 design of packages for the transport of radioactive material with a certificate of approval of Spanish origin Leer más »

Law 20/2013, of December 9, on guaranteeing market unity.

Law 20/2013, of December 9, on guaranteeing market unity.Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) No. 295, of December 10, 2013, pages 97953 to 97978 (26 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Head of StateReference: BOE-A-2013-12888 CHAPTER VPrinciple of effectiveness throughout the national territory Article 19. Economic freedom throughout the national territory. Second additional provision. Regulated products.Without prejudice

Law 20/2013, of December 9, on guaranteeing market unity. Leer más »

GHS (Rev.5) (2013) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals GHS (Rev.5) (2013) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Fifth revised edition Copyright © United Nations, 2013 All rights reservedGHS (Rev.5)Preface and indexPart 1: IntroductionPart 2: Physical HazardsPart 3: Health HazardsPart 4: Environmental HazardsAnnex 1: Summary tables of classification and labelingAnnex 3: Coding of hazard statements, coding and use of

GHS (Rev.5) (2013) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals Leer más »

SAN 4314/201.- Civil Aviation Resolution imposing a fine of 40,000 euros for the shipment of packages containing undeclared dangerous goods without indication on the transport or accompanying documents of their dangerous goods status, subject to special regulations for their transport.

Roj: SAN 4314/2013 Id Cendoj: 28079230082013100589 Court: National Court. Contentious Chamber Location: Madrid Section: 8 Appeal No.: 81/2012 Resolution No.: Procedure: CONTENTIOUS – APPEAL Reporter: JAVIER BERMUDEZ SANCHEZ Type of Decision: Judgment APPEAL JUDGMENT Madrid, October twenty-second, two thousand thirteen. Seen by the Chamber named above the Appeal No. 81/2012, filed by RETTO EXPRES S.L.,

SAN 4314/201.- Civil Aviation Resolution imposing a fine of 40,000 euros for the shipment of packages containing undeclared dangerous goods without indication on the transport or accompanying documents of their dangerous goods status, subject to special regulations for their transport. Leer más »

ATP 2013 – Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs

Consolidated text of the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used in such carriage (ATP) made in Geneva on September 1, 1970, updated as of September 23, 2013. Published in: «BOE» No. 274, November 15, 2013, pages 91311 to 91390 (80 pages). Section: I. General provisions

ATP 2013 – Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs Leer más »