
Examination Call for Safety Advisors in Madrid, 2008

DEFINITIVE LIST OF PASSERS IN THE TESTS FOR OBTAINING AND RENEWING THE PROFESSIONAL CAPACITY CERTIFICATE OF SAFETY ADVISORS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS, APRIL 2008 CALL PROVISIONAL LIST OF PASSERS List of candidates admitted to the exam on April 19, 2008 (Madrid): 107 candidates for obtaining all specialties; 50 passed Official Bulletin of the […]

Examination Call for Safety Advisors in Madrid, 2008 Leer más »

Control of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Official Journal of the European Union on 21/06/2008 http://www.boe.es/doue/2008/162/L00011-00012.pdf Directive 2008/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 amending Council Directive 95/50/EC on uniform procedures for the checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road concerning the implementing powers conferred on the Commission. European Communities (OJEU No. 184 of

Control of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Leer más »

XVII Municipal Disaster Conferences

http://www.munimadrid.es/portal/site/munimadrid/menuitem.f4bb5b953cd0b0aa7d245f019fc08a0c/?vgnextoid=c88fcdb1bfffa010VgnVCM100000d90ca8c0RCRD&vgnextchannel=84516c77e7d2f010VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&idCapitulo=4817472 The XVII Municipal Disaster Conferences are starting, taking place from Friday, May 23rd to the 25th at the Crystal Pavilion in the Casa de Campo Fairground, Madrid. These conferences bring together a large number of emergency professionals and volunteers, featuring not only an exhibition area and stands but also numerous roundtable discussions and presentations.

XVII Municipal Disaster Conferences Leer más »

Logistics of Dangerous Goods. Technical Considerations

Technical ConferenceSIL 2008. Barcelona, June 4, 2008 —- FREE ADMISSION The event will take place on June 4, 2008, from 3:15 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. as part of the International Logistics Exhibition (SIL 2008) held in BARCELONA. Admission is FREE. ITENE, as an expert entity specialized in the transportation and logistics of dangerous goods, will

Logistics of Dangerous Goods. Technical Considerations Leer más »

ATEX Workshops – APTB

EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERESVALENCIA, June 17, 2008Online registration: www.aptb.org/atexAPTBaptb@aptb.org BackgroundThe European directives 92/1999, 94/9 – EC and their transpositions into national legislation RD 681/2003 and RD 400/1996, establish the minimum measures for the adequate protection of establishments and workers in areas where there is a danger of explosive atmospheres being generated.Explosive Atmospheres are generated, under atmospheric conditions,

ATEX Workshops – APTB Leer más »


June 18, 2008NH EUROBUILDING Hotel – Helsinki RoomC/ Padre Damián, 23 – Madrid – FREE ADMISSION UPON REGISTRATION:http://aeutransmer.incotel.es/bin/docs.asp?Codigo=1911 OBJECTIVE-Analyze the novelties introduced by the ADR 2009 and highlight the main differences with the ADR 2007.-Learn to easily handle the ADR, understanding its structure and being able to locate the required information easily.-Understand the responsibilities outlined

WORKSHOP – ADR 2009 Leer más »

Public Information: Hazardous Waste Prevention and Management Plan

The General Law 3/1998, of February 27, on Environmental Protection of the Basque Country, includes the guiding principles of waste policy, prioritizing waste prevention and minimization in production, reuse, and valorization, and considering appropriate disposal when valorization is not possible. The Department of Environment and Territorial Planning, in compliance with the mandate given to the

Public Information: Hazardous Waste Prevention and Management Plan Leer más »

Position of the European Union on ADR/RID/ADN Transport

Official Journal of the European Union on May 14, 2008 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2008:117E:0001:0045:ES:PDF Communications and Information – Series C – E – First Volume III PREPARATORY ACTS – COUNCIL (2008/C 117 E/01). Common Position (EC) No. 10/2008 of April 7, 2008, approved by the Council in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the

Position of the European Union on ADR/RID/ADN Transport Leer más »

Technical Conferences on Passive and Active Fire Protection

These Conferences are organized by APTB and the Guadalajara Fire Consortium with the collaboration of Tecnifuego-Aespi and the Technical Professional Associations. We attach the brochure with the program in PDF format here. The information and program are also available at: www.aptb.org/foroguadalajara APTB. Av. Amaia, 2, 1st Floor F. Inbisa Building | E-48940 Leioa – BizkaiaTel.:

Technical Conferences on Passive and Active Fire Protection Leer más »

Special traffic regulation measures during the year 2008

Resolution of February 14, 2008, from the Directorate General of Traffic, establishing special traffic regulation measures during the year 2008. Published by the Ministry of the Interior in the BOE No. 47 of 23/2/2008. https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2008/02/23/pdfs/A10878-10899.pdf Generic restrictions are maintained:Sundays and holidays: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.Eves of holidays (not Saturdays): 1:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

Special traffic regulation measures during the year 2008 Leer más »