Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents in Spain 2013


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This document gathers the Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents in Spain, adopted by the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT) for the year 2013.
The establishment by the INSHT in 1995 of a working group on Occupational Exposure Limits allowed for the publication of a first document in 1999, followed by annual updates to meet, in the medium term, the obligation imposed by Directive 98/24/EC on Member States to establish national occupational exposure limits.
The transposition of this Directive into Spanish law through Royal Decree 374/2001, which repeals the exposure limits of the Regulation on Noxious, Unhealthy, Harmful, and Dangerous Activities (RAMINP) and considers those published by the INSHT as the appropriate reference values for chemical agents lacking regulatory exposure limits, constitutes, in fact, a mandate for the Institute to continue this work, periodically updating its limits to keep them aligned with scientific and technical progress.
On the other hand, the National Commission on Safety and Health at Work approved, in July 1997, the creation of a working group to, among other issues, «study the documents on exposure limits and their application in workplaces prepared by the INSHT.» As a result of its proposals, the Commission, at the plenary meeting held on December 16, 1998, unanimously agreed to recommend:

  1. That the exposure limits indicated in the INSHT document titled «Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents in Spain» be applied in workplaces, and that their application be carried out according to the criteria established in said document.
  2. That the INSHT publish and disseminate the aforementioned document as widely as possible, indicating in its preamble the favorable information of this Commission regarding its application in workplaces.
  3. That the INSHT review this document annually, communicate to the Commission any expansions or modifications deemed necessary, and, in case of favorable information from the Commission, integrate them into the publication referred to in the previous paragraph.
    Consequently, through the publication of this document, which has been approved by the National Commission on Safety and Health at Work, the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work fulfills its functions in terms of study and dissemination, while satisfactorily addressing the recommendations of the Commission.
    María Dolores Limón Tamés
    Director of the INSHT