IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2015/217 on exceptions regarding the land transport of dangerous goods

IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) 2015/217 OF THE COMMISSION of 10 April 2014 authorizing Member States to adopt certain exceptions pursuant to Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods

ES Spain
Subject: Special equipment for the distribution of anhydrous ammonia.
Reference to Annex I, Section I.1, of Directive 2008/68/EC:
Content of the Directive annex: In order to avoid any loss of content in case of failure of the external devices (nozzles, side closing devices), the internal shutter and its seat shall be protected against the risk of tearing caused by external stresses, or shall be designed to prevent it. Filling and emptying devices (including flanges or threaded plugs) and any existing protective caps shall be secured against any untimely opening.
Content of national legislation: Tanks used for the distribution and application of anhydrous ammonia for agricultural purposes, placed in service before 1 January 1997, may be equipped with external safety devices instead of internal ones, if such devices are provided with equivalent protection, at least to that provided by the tank wall.
Initial reference to domestic law: Royal Decree 551/2006. Annex 1. Section 3.
Remarks: Before 1 January 1997, a type of tank equipped with external safety devices for the application of anhydrous ammonia directly to the soil was exclusively used in agriculture. Some tanks of this type are still in use today. They are rarely driven, loaded, or moved on the road, but are only used to fertilize large agricultural estates.
Expiration date: 29 February 2016