
Amendments of 2010 to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)

Amendments of 2010 to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code), adopted in London on May 21, 2010, through Resolution MSC.294(87).Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) number 191, dated August 10, 2013, pages 58635 to 58725 (91 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CooperationReference: BOE-A-2013-8877http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/08/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-8877.pdf RESOLUTION MSC.294(87) (adopted on May 21, […]

Amendments of 2010 to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) Leer más »

Multilateral Agreement M-265 – Training of Drivers Transporting UN 2915 and UN 3332 Goods

On June 5, 2013, Spain initiated multilateral agreement M-265 regarding additional provision S12 concerning the training of drivers transporting UN 2915 and UN 3332 goods. Since this agreement has been signed today by another country (Sweden), this multilateral agreement now has legal validity and can be applied in the execution of transports. UN 2915 RADIOACTIVE

Multilateral Agreement M-265 – Training of Drivers Transporting UN 2915 and UN 3332 Goods Leer más »

Publication of the LOTT

I. General provisionsHEAD OF STATE TransportOrganic Law 5/2013, of July 4, amending Organic Law 5/1987, of July 30, on the Delegation of Powers of the State to the Autonomous Communities in relation to road and cable transport. ————————————————————-PDF (BOE-A-2013-7319 – 2 pages – 146 KB) ————————————————————or Other formats Land Transport. Air SafetyLaw 9/2013, of July

Publication of the LOTT Leer más »

European Union – Commission Implementing Decision of 6 May 2013 authorizing Member States to approve certain exceptions to the ADR

Commission Implementing Decision of 6 May 2013 authorizing Member States to approve certain exceptions in accordance with Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods [notified under number C(2013) 2505] http://eur-lex.europa.eu/JOHtml.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:130:SOM:EN:HTML http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2013:130:0026:0059:EN:PDF (…) ES SpainRO–bi–ES-2Subject: special equipment for the distribution of anhydrous ammonia.Reference to Annex I,

European Union – Commission Implementing Decision of 6 May 2013 authorizing Member States to approve certain exceptions to the ADR Leer más »

SAN 2875/2012 Training in dangerous goods as air traffic safety and as safety and prevention of workers’ risks

http://www.poderjudicial.es/search/doAction?action=contentpdf&databasematch=AN&reference=6432791&links=%22mercanc%EDas%20peligrosas%22%20y%20accidente&optimize=20120710&publicinterface=true Roj: SAN 2875/2012 Cendoj Id: 28079230042012100272 Body: National Court. Contentious Chamber Venue: Madrid Section: 4 Appeal No.: 357/2011 Resolution No.: Procedure: CONTENTIOUS Speaker: JOSE LUIS REQUERO IBAÑEZ Type of Resolution: Judgment SENTENCE Madrid, June twenty-seventh, two thousand twelve. The Chamber composed of the Hon. Judges related in the margin has examined the contentious-administrative appeal

SAN 2875/2012 Training in dangerous goods as air traffic safety and as safety and prevention of workers’ risks Leer más »

SENTENCE No. 59/10 Maritime Transport. Defective Loading and Packaging of Dangerous Goods. Passive Legitimacy.

http://www.poderjudicial.es/search/doAction?action=contentpdf&databasematch=AN&reference=5599326&links=%22mercanc%EDas%20peligrosas%22%20y%20bidones&optimize=20100527&publicinterface=true Roj: SAP B 2757/2010 Id Cendoj: 08019370152010100027 Body: Provincial Court Location: Barcelona Section: 15 Appeal No.: 229/2009 Resolution No.: 59/2010 Procedure: CIVIL Speaker: MARIA ELENA BOET SERRA Type of Resolution: Sentence PROVINCIAL COURT OF BARCELONA FIFTEENTH SECTION ROLL No. 229/2009 – 1st ORDINARY TRIAL No. 86/2008 COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE No. 6 OF BARCELONA

SENTENCE No. 59/10 Maritime Transport. Defective Loading and Packaging of Dangerous Goods. Passive Legitimacy. Leer más »

Judgment TSJ PV 3394/2007 accident in unloading of quicklime container (Non ADR)

Roj: STSJ PV 3394/2007 Id Cendoj: 48020340012007101896 Organ: Superior Court of Justice. Social Chamber Location: Bilbao Section: 1 Appeal No.: 990/2007 Resolution No.: 2326/2007 Procedure: SOCIAL Speaker: JAIME SEGALES FIDALGO Type of Resolution: Judgment APPEAL No.: 990/2007 N.I.G. 00.01.4-07/000411 SENTENCE No.: SOCIAL CHAMBER OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITY OF THE

Judgment TSJ PV 3394/2007 accident in unloading of quicklime container (Non ADR) Leer más »

RIMP 2013 – DGT – Traffic Restrictions

Resolution of January 16, 2013, of the Directorate General of Traffic, establishing special traffic regulation measures during the year 2013.Published in: Official State Gazette, No. 22 of January 25, 2013, pages 4587 to 4626 (40 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Ministry of the InteriorReference: BOE-A-2013-700Link to the document Correction of errors:Link to the corrected document B.2.

RIMP 2013 – DGT – Traffic Restrictions Leer más »

ORDER AAA/661/2013 regulating the disposal of waste by landfill

Order AAA/661/2013, of April 18, amending Annexes I, II, and III of Royal Decree 1481/2001, of December 27, regulating the disposal of waste by landfill.Published in: Official State Gazette, No. 97 of April 23, 2013, pages 31080 to 31111 (32 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmenthttp://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/04/23/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-4291.pdf Annex II of Royal Decree

ORDER AAA/661/2013 regulating the disposal of waste by landfill Leer más »