
Law 20/2013, of December 9, on guaranteeing market unity.

Law 20/2013, of December 9, on guaranteeing market unity.Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) No. 295, of December 10, 2013, pages 97953 to 97978 (26 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Head of StateReference: BOE-A-2013-12888http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/12/10/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-12888.pdf CHAPTER VPrinciple of effectiveness throughout the national territory Article 19. Economic freedom throughout the national territory. Second additional provision. Regulated products.Without prejudice […]

Law 20/2013, of December 9, on guaranteeing market unity. Leer más »

GHS (Rev.5) (2013) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/danger/publi/ghs/ghs_rev05/Spanish/ST-SG-AC10-30-Rev5sp.pdf GHS (Rev.5) (2013) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) Fifth revised edition Copyright © United Nations, 2013 All rights reservedGHS (Rev.5)Preface and indexPart 1: IntroductionPart 2: Physical HazardsPart 3: Health HazardsPart 4: Environmental HazardsAnnex 1: Summary tables of classification and labelingAnnex 3: Coding of hazard statements, coding and use of

GHS (Rev.5) (2013) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals Leer más »

SAN 4314/201.- Civil Aviation Resolution imposing a fine of 40,000 euros for the shipment of packages containing undeclared dangerous goods without indication on the transport or accompanying documents of their dangerous goods status, subject to special regulations for their transport.

Roj: SAN 4314/2013 Id Cendoj: 28079230082013100589 Court: National Court. Contentious Chamber Location: Madrid Section: 8 Appeal No.: 81/2012 Resolution No.: Procedure: CONTENTIOUS – APPEAL Reporter: JAVIER BERMUDEZ SANCHEZ Type of Decision: Judgment APPEAL JUDGMENT Madrid, October twenty-second, two thousand thirteen. Seen by the Chamber named above the Appeal No. 81/2012, filed by RETTO EXPRES S.L.,

SAN 4314/201.- Civil Aviation Resolution imposing a fine of 40,000 euros for the shipment of packages containing undeclared dangerous goods without indication on the transport or accompanying documents of their dangerous goods status, subject to special regulations for their transport. Leer más »

ATP 2013 – Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs

Consolidated text of the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used in such carriage (ATP) made in Geneva on September 1, 1970, updated as of September 23, 2013. Published in: «BOE» No. 274, November 15, 2013, pages 91311 to 91390 (80 pages). Section: I. General provisions

ATP 2013 – Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs Leer más »

List of EU Member States Applying CLP-SDS

Order PRE/2056/2013, of November 7, which modifies Annex VI of the Regulation on the classification, packaging, and labeling of dangerous preparations, approved by Royal Decree 255/2003, of February 28.Published in: «BOE» No. 268, of November 8, 2013, pages 89948 to 89949 (2 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Ministry of the PresidencyReference: BOE-A-2013-11690 The Royal Decree 255/2003,

List of EU Member States Applying CLP-SDS Leer más »

CSN – Transport of Radioactive Materials

GSG-06.01 Quality Assurance in the Transport of Radioactive SubstancesCSN, 2002 (32 pages)pdf Download 206.30 Kb GSG-06.02 Radiological Protection Program Applicable to the Transport of Radioactive Materials.CSN, 2002 (54 pages)pdf Download 461.34 Kb GSG-06.03 Guide to Assist in the Development of Emergency Procedures Applicable to the Transport of Radioactive Materials by RoadCSN, 2004 (Rev.1, 2012) (32

CSN – Transport of Radioactive Materials Leer más »

SAP IB 1629/2013 – Fire of a Parked Vehicle in a Traffic Accident

Roj: SAP IB 1629/2013 Cendoj Id: 07040370052013100297 Body: Provincial Court Location: Palma de Mallorca Section: 5 Appeal No.: 688/2012 Resolution No.: 310/2013Procedure: CIVIL Reporter: MARIA ARANTZAZU ORTIZ GONZALEZType of Resolution: Judgment PROVINCIAL COURT SECTION No. 5 PALMA DE MALLORCA JUDGMENT: 00310/2013 Appeal Docket No. 688/2012 JUDGMENT No. 310 PRESIDING: MR. MATEO RAMON HOMAR MAGISTRATES: MR.

SAP IB 1629/2013 – Fire of a Parked Vehicle in a Traffic Accident Leer más »

IMSBC Code 2011 – International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code

Amendments of 2011 to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code) adopted in London on May 20, 2011 through Resolution MSC.318(89).Published in: Official State Gazette, No. 16 of January 18, 2013, pages 2326 to 2352 (27 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CooperationReference: BOE-A-2013-463http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/01/18/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-463.pdf RESOLUTION MSC.318(89) (adopted on May 20,

IMSBC Code 2011 – International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code Leer más »