
Sanction Scale for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods from July 2013

Following the publication of Law 9/2013 of July 4, which amends Law 16/1987 of July 30, on Land Transport Regulation, and Law 21/2003 of July 7, on Air Safety. To consult the sanction scale for dangerous goods in 2013: http://www.traficoadr.com/baremosancionador.htm The sanction scale has been updated as follows: The sanctions for stowage in the Land […]

Sanction Scale for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods from July 2013 Leer más »

Desulfurizing agents containing UN 1402 calcium carbide of class 4.3, packing group I.

Official State Gazette of 06/21/2012 http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2012/06/21/pdfs/BOE-A-2012-8326.pdf Correction of errors: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/06/21/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-6735.pdf I. GENERAL PROVISIONS MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND COOPERATION Multilateral Agreement M-226 under Section 1.5.1 of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) (published in the Official State Gazette number 164, dated 11-07-2011), regarding the transport of desulfurizing agents

Desulfurizing agents containing UN 1402 calcium carbide of class 4.3, packing group I. Leer más »

SAP VI 440/2012 discharge of sulfuric acid into sodium hypochlorite tank

Evacuation of Lesaka pools after a toxic cloud produced by mixing chlorine and sulfuric acidhttp://www.navarra.es/home_es/Actualidad/Sala+de+prensa/Noticias+de+seguridad+publica/2009/11/19/Desalojadas+piscinas+Lesaka+escape+cloro.htm Thursday, November 19, 2009Six people have gone to the Lesaka health center for minor discomfort. Image of the emergency teams that have worked on-site. (enlarge image)Personnel from the Fire Service of the Government of Navarra belonging to the Oronoz regional

SAP VI 440/2012 discharge of sulfuric acid into sodium hypochlorite tank Leer más »

Germany 2013: Restriction of Road Tunnel Use According to the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)

Last updated: April 12, 2013 With the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) 2007, uniform rules for limiting the use of tunnels for transport units containing dangerous goods are introduced. Tunnel identification is done with letters B to E on additional plates for traffic signs 261.The responsibility for tunnel

Germany 2013: Restriction of Road Tunnel Use According to the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) Leer más »

UN Model Regulations 2013 – Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

UN Model RegulationsAll rights reserved From this page, you can consult and download the electronic files (in PDF version) of the different parts of the eighteenth revised edition of the «United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations».How to obtain the official publication of the Model RegulationsClick on the icons to view

UN Model Regulations 2013 – Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Leer más »

SENTENCE No. 993/2011 – lack of safety and hygiene measures at work in the accident involving an acetone tanker.

http://www.poderjudicial.es/search/doAction?action=contentpdf&databasematch=AN&reference=5952724   1 Roj: STSJ CAT 1493/2011 Id Cendoj: 08019340012011100960 Body: Superior Court of Justice. Social Chamber Venue: Barcelona Section: 1 Appeal No.: 2150/2010 Resolution No.: 993/2011 Procedure: Appeal Ponente: AMADOR GARCIA ROS Type of Resolution: Judgment CATALONIA SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE SOCIAL CHAMBER NIG: 08019 – 44 – 4 – 2008 – 0047399 mm MR.

SENTENCE No. 993/2011 – lack of safety and hygiene measures at work in the accident involving an acetone tanker. Leer más »

SENTENCE: 10195/2010.- fine of 2,001.00 euros for the commission of a very serious offense – unloading dangerous goods without the mandatory Safety Advisor.

http://www.poderjudicial.es/search/doAction?action=contentpdf&databasematch=AN&reference=6664355 Roj: STSJ MAD 3436/2010 Id Cendoj: 28079330062010100343 Organ: Superior Court of Justice. Contentious-Administrative Chamber Location: Madrid Section: 6 Recourse Number: 156/2007 Resolution Number: 10195/2010 Procedure: ORDINARY PROCEEDINGS Speaker: RICARDO SANCHEZ SANCHEZ Type of Resolution: Judgment T.S.J. MADRID CON/AD SEC.6 MADRID JUDGMENT: 10195/2010 Recourse: 156/207 Speaker: Mr. Ricardo Sánchez Sánchez JUDGMENT No. 10195 SUPERIOR COURT

SENTENCE: 10195/2010.- fine of 2,001.00 euros for the commission of a very serious offense – unloading dangerous goods without the mandatory Safety Advisor. Leer más »


SENTENCE NUMBER 187/2013 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE OF MADRID CONTENTIOUS-ADMINISTRATIVE CHAMBER FACTS FIRST.- The appellant filed an administrative contentious appeal by means of a document presented on March 16, 2012, against the aforementioned act, its admission was agreed upon, and once the requisite legal procedures were formalized, he was summoned to submit a lawsuit, which


Multilateral Agreement M-254 on marking (placards) of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation

Multilateral Agreement M-254 under paragraph 1.5.1 of Annex A of the European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR), concerning the marking (plates) of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation, done at Madrid on January 10, 2013.http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2013/04/02/pdfs/BOE-A-2013-3519.pdf Published in: Official State Gazette, No. 79 of April 2, 2013, pages

Multilateral Agreement M-254 on marking (placards) of containers used exclusively in a road transport operation Leer más »

CSN Instruction IS-35 design of packages for the transport of radioactive material with a certificate of approval of Spanish origin

Instruction IS-35, dated December 4, 2013, from the Nuclear Safety Council, regarding the treatment of design modifications of packages for the transport of radioactive material with a certificate of approval of Spanish origin and the physical or operational modifications made by the sender of a package on the packaging used.Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE)

CSN Instruction IS-35 design of packages for the transport of radioactive material with a certificate of approval of Spanish origin Leer más »