
Directive 2014/103/EU of the Commission on the terrestrial transport of dangerous goods

Official Journal of the European Union of 22/11/2014 II (NON-LEGISLATIVE ACTS)DIRECTIVESEUROPEAN COMMISSION COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 2014/103/EU of 21 November 2014 adapting for the third time to scientific and technical progress Annexes to Directive 2008/68/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the inland transport of dangerous goods (Text relevant for the EEA) Article […]

Directive 2014/103/EU of the Commission on the terrestrial transport of dangerous goods Leer más »

Royal Decrees 906 and 907/2013, technical standards in emergencies and civil protection

Royal Decree 907/2013, of November 22, which establishes the title of Technician in Emergencies and Civil Protection and sets forth its minimum requirements. Published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) number 301, dated December 17, 2013, pages 99432 to 99508 (77 pages). Section: I. General provisions Department: Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport Reference: BOE-A-2013-13164

Royal Decrees 906 and 907/2013, technical standards in emergencies and civil protection Leer más »

Multilateral Agreement M-276 FL and OX vehicles using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as propulsion fuel

Multilateral Agreement M-276, applying section 1.5.1 of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), concerning the construction of FL and OX vehicles using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as propulsion fuel, made in Madrid on July 7, 2014. Published in: «BOE» No. 252, of October 17, 2014, pages 84085 to

Multilateral Agreement M-276 FL and OX vehicles using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as propulsion fuel Leer más »

Procedure for obtaining approval for the air transport of dangerous goods according to OPS 1 and JAR OPS 3.

The Initial Approval Issuance Procedure for the air transport of dangerous goods for commercial air transport operators OPS 1 and JAR OPS 3 shall commence with the operator’s application using the F-DSM-MMPP-01 Application Form, which must be accompanied by the following requirements: Operational Requirements F-DSM-MMPP-14. Operations Manual modified to incorporate the operations of Dangerous

Procedure for obtaining approval for the air transport of dangerous goods according to OPS 1 and JAR OPS 3. Leer más »

Order FOM/1498/2014 Integrated Procedure for Ship Calls at General Interest Ports

Order FOM/1498/2014, of August 1, modifies Order FOM/1194/2011, of April 29, which regulates the integrated procedure for ship calls at general interest ports.Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) No. 194, of August 11, 2014, pages 64170 to 64193 (24 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Ministry of Public WorksReference: BOE-A-2014-8624Link to the document Article 8. Content of

Order FOM/1498/2014 Integrated Procedure for Ship Calls at General Interest Ports Leer más »

Resolution INT/2455/2013 Amendment XIMP 2013

Resolution INT/2455/2013, of November 14, partially amending Resolution INT/2955/2012, of December 21, establishing restrictions on circulation during the year 2013.Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) No. 291, dated December 5, 2013, pages 96931 to 96938 (8 pages).Section: I. General provisionsDepartment: Autonomous Community of CataloniaReference: BOE-A-2013-12731 The Catalan Traffic Service, an autonomous administrative body established

Resolution INT/2455/2013 Amendment XIMP 2013 Leer más »

Royal Decree 548/2014, Certificates of Professionalism in the Security and Environment Professional Family

Royal Decree 548/2014, of June 27, establishes five certificates of professionalism in the Security and Environment professional family, which are included in the National Registry of Professionalism Certificates, and updates two certificates of professionalism in the Informatics and Communications professional family established in Royal Decree 1531/2011, of October 31, and Royal Decree 686/2011, of May

Royal Decree 548/2014, Certificates of Professionalism in the Security and Environment Professional Family Leer más »

Multilateral Agreement RID 1/2013 – Acceptance of accreditations standards EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and EN ISO/IEC 17020/2004

Official State Gazette of 11/08/2013 I. GENERAL PROVISIONS MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND COOPERATION Multilateral Agreement RID 1/2013 in application of Section 1.5.1 of the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), regarding the change of reference to standard EN ISO/IEC 17020:2004 by the reference to standard EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (except

Multilateral Agreement RID 1/2013 – Acceptance of accreditations standards EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and EN ISO/IEC 17020/2004 Leer más »

Royal Decree 815/2013 – Prevention and Integrated Control of Pollution

Royal Decree 815/2013, of October 18, approving the Industrial Emissions Regulation and development of Law 16/2002, of July 1, on Prevention and Integrated Control of Pollution. Published in: «BOE» No. 251, of October 19, 2013, pages 85173 to 85276 (104 pages). Section: I. General provisions Department: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment Reference: BOE-A-2013-10949

Royal Decree 815/2013 – Prevention and Integrated Control of Pollution Leer más »