Model United Nations Regulations

Model United Nations Regulations

Table of Contents (58KB)

Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (113KB)

Part 1 General Provisions, Definitions, Training, and Safety (173KB)

Part 2 Classification (849KB)

Part 3 List of Dangerous Goods, Special Provisions, and Exceptions (689KB)

Appendices (245KB)

Alphabetical Index of Substances and Articles (285KB)

Part 4 Packaging and Tank Provisions (882KB)

Part 5 Consignment Procedures (287KB)

Part 6 Packing and Testing Instructions for Packaging, Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs), Large Packagings, Portable Tanks, and Multiple-element Gas Containers (MEGCs), and Bulk Containers (812KB)

Part 7 Provisions for Transport Operations (194KB)

CORRESPONDENCE between paragraph numbers of the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials, 2005 Edition, and the Fifteenth Revised Edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (including the Model Regulations) (updated list as of July 26, 2007) (119KB)