Royal Decree 750/2014 on airworthiness and licenses for other aeronautical activities.

Royal Decree 750/2014, of September 5, which regulates aerial firefighting and search and rescue activities, and establishes requirements for airworthiness and licenses for other aeronautical activities. It impacts the transport of dangerous goods by air.

TAE.SPO.GEN.150 Transportation of Dangerous Goods.

(a) The transportation of dangerous goods by air shall be conducted in accordance with Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention, including its supplements and any addendum or corrigendum.

(b) Only an approved operator is authorized to transport dangerous goods, except when:

(1) They are not subject to technical instructions according to Part 1 of those technical instructions;

(2) They are transported by specialist personnel or crew members or in a separate cargo compartment, in accordance with Part 8 of the technical instructions;

(3) They are necessary on board the aircraft for specialized functions according to the technical instructions;

(4) They are used to provide flight security when their carriage on board the aircraft is reasonable to ensure their availability in a timely manner for operational reasons, whether or not these articles and substances are necessary for a particular flight.

(c) The operator shall establish procedures to ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to prevent dangerous goods from being inadvertently transported on board.

(d) The operator shall provide personnel with the necessary information to fulfill their responsibilities, as required in the Technical Instructions.

(e) The operator shall, in accordance with the Technical Instructions, inform the State Aviation Safety Agency as soon as possible about:

(1) Any incident or accident related to dangerous goods;

(2) the location of dangerous goods transported by operational, additional personnel, or crew, or their baggage, when it does not comply with Part 8 of the Technical Instructions.

(f) The operator shall ensure that operational personnel have information related to dangerous goods.

(g) The operator shall ensure that notifications of information on dangerous goods are provided at cargo acceptance points according to the Technical Instructions.

TAE.SPO.GEN.155 Use of Dangerous Goods.

The operator shall not fly over congested areas of cities, towns, or settlements or over a concentration of people outdoors when applying or using dangerous goods unless the activity specifically requires it and based on the risk analysis conducted by the operator.