CIVIL PROTECTION – Triennial Report on Emergencies Arising from the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail. Period: 2011-2013.

This document is the eighth study of the statistics of emergencies arising from the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail, which has been compiled since 1997 and covers the years 2011, 2012, and 2013. It also includes a comparative analysis of accidents that occurred from 2004 to 2013.

The Basic Guideline for Civil Protection Planning against the risk of accidents in the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail, published by Royal Decree 387/1996, includes as a fundamental planning element the compilation of statistics on this type of emergencies by the Directorate General of Civil Protection and Emergencies at the national level.

The data, in accordance with the content of the aforementioned Guideline, has been collected from the competent authorities of the Autonomous Communities, through the corresponding Government Delegations.

This information has been supplemented with data received quarterly from the Traffic Unit of the Civil Guard.

This study focuses on the analysis of 295 accidents, 114 of which occurred in 2011, 94 in 2012, and 87 in 2013, and on the subsequent comparative study of the period from 2004 to 2013.

The content of this report is structured as follows:

  1. Introduction to the study
  2. Legal framework
  3. General list of accidents that took place during the years 2011, 2012, and 2013, both on roads and railways.
  4. Structure and content, which develops the central structure of the study, analyzing in detail and in sections the different data contained in the bulletins, referring to: location of the incident, dangerous goods transported, description of the incident, classification of the emergency, and nature and extent of the different damages caused. After a brief explanation of each section, the information is reflected in tables and, where applicable, through maps and histograms, making the year-on-year comparison for the period 2004-2013. An analysis of the highways and expressways of the State Road Network with the highest accident rates is also included
  5. General conclusions, referring on the one hand, to the content of the information reported to this Directorate General and on the other hand, in relation to the analysis of said information.