UN Model Regulations 2013 – Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

UN Model Regulations
All rights reserved

From this page, you can consult and download the electronic files (in PDF version) of the different parts of the eighteenth revised edition of the «United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations».
How to obtain the official publication of the Model Regulations
Click on the icons to view and download the electronic version of the document as published. The files contain bookmarks that will allow you to navigate through the different chapters of the publication.

To view and download the files corresponding to each chapter, click on the corresponding icons.

Files showing changes from the previous edition (either through «track changes» or with amendments highlighted in color «changes highlighted») have been published on a separate web page and are available in English only.

Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – Model Regulations
Eighteenth revised edition
Copyright © United Nations 2013