CONAMA – National Congress of the Environment

MR-INFO. Application of Law 27/2006 on access to environmental information.

Monday, December 1st, 2008
From 16:00 to 18:30, Londres Room

Presentation Program Technical Committee

16:00 to 16:50
Panel 1. Legal framework

José Antonio Razquin Lizarraga
Director of Legal Advisory Service of the Department of Presidency, Justice and Interior
Government of Navarra

José Abellán Gómez
Deputy Director General of Citizen Information, Documentation and Publications
Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs

Lucía Casado Casado
Contracted Professor. Doctor of Administrative Law
Rovira i Virgili University. Center for Environmental Law Studies of Tarragona

16:50 to 17:00
Debate 1

17:00 to 18:00
Panel 2. Public participation and environmental information: practical cases

Mª José Blázquez Calzada
Technical Advisor of the General Directorate of Planning and Environmental Information
Department of Environment. Andalusian Regional Government

Víctor Navazo López
Technician of the Department of Institutional Relations
Red Eléctrica de España (REE)

Sonia Morell Gallego
Lawyer of the Department of Communication, Institutional Relations and Participation
Catalan Water Agency

Alberto Vizcaíno López
Specialist Technician in Environmental Information of the Area of Environmental Information and Documentation
Department of Environment, Housing and Land Planning of the Community of Madrid

Jaime Doreste Hernández
Coordinator of the Legal Defense Area
Ecologists in Action

Aida Vila Rovira
Campaign Manager for Climate Change
Greenpeace Spain

18:00 to 18:30
Debate 2


Fernando Alonso-Pastor Del Coso
Head of the Section of Environmental Information and Education
General Directorate of Environment and Water. Government of Navarra