The PRE/2412/2014 Order: Opening Hours of Explosives Depots, Custody of Magazine Keys, Disposal of Unused Explosives, and Returns.

Order PRE/2412/2014, of December 16, approving Supplementary Technical Instruction number 26 «Opening Hours of Explosives Depots, Custody of Magazine Keys, Disposal of Unused Explosives, and Returns» of the Explosives Regulations.
Published in: «Official State Gazette» number 308, dated December 22, 2014, pages 104369 to 104374 (6 pages).
Section: III. Other provisions
Department: Ministry of the Presidency
Reference: BOE-A-2014-13345

The Communicated Order from the Ministry of the Interior dated February 2, 1998, which provides instructions on the opening hours of explosives depots, custody of magazine keys, and disposal of unused explosives, was issued for security and control reasons. Its purpose was to ensure that the opening and closing hours of explosives depots, under normal circumstances, were uniform throughout the national territory, sufficient to allow for commercial or consumption operations, and compatible with the schedules of the Civil Guard’s Weapons and Explosives Interventions.

Subsequently, the current Explosives Regulations were enacted by Royal Decree 230/1998, of February 16, which includes provisions to increase control and security measures for explosives.

Furthermore, due to the time elapsed since the entry into force of the current Explosives Regulations and the Communicated Order from the Ministry of the Interior dated February 2, 1998, and based on the experience gained in the matter, it is considered necessary to specify procedures for handling surplus explosives resulting from consumption in order to reduce the number of accidents, streamline returns of explosives, and allow for exceptional openings of commercial depots, thus increasing administrative control in these cases, and optimizing human resources in the Civil Guard without compromising public safety. All of this requires updating the provisions contained in the Communicated Order from the Ministry of the Interior dated February 2, 1998.

With this purpose and in order to adapt its content to the current Explosives Regulations, it is necessary to undertake a new regulation of this matter.

This order has undergone the public consultation process provided for in paragraph c) of section 1 of article 24 of Law 50/1997, of November 27, on the Government, and has been favorably reviewed by the Permanent Interministerial Commission on Weapons and Explosives.