Real Decreto 130/2017: Explosives Regulation – Title IX Transportation of Explosives

The Real Decreto 130/2017, dated February 24, approves the Explosives Regulation. The regulation covers various aspects related to the handling, storage, and transportation of explosives.

Transitional Provision Three: Adaptation Deadlines to the New Regulations on Installations and Transportation

  1. Concerning the measures of citizen security established in the Complementary Technical Instruction number 1, «Citizen Security: Surveillance and Protection Measures in Installations, Transportation of Explosives, and Mobile Units for Explosive Manufacturing,» the following adaptation deadlines to the new regulations are established: a) Until December 31, 2018, to comply with the requirements regarding the transportation of explosives and their vehicles.
  2. Regarding compliance with the provisions of the Complementary Technical Instruction number 11, «Opening of Depots and Transport of Explosives. Destination of Unused Explosives,» an adaptation period is set until December 31, 2017. (…)