Real Decreto 115/2017: Regulation of Marketing and Handling of Fluorinated Gases and Equipment

The Real Decreto 115/2017, dated February 17, regulates the marketing and handling of fluorinated gases and equipment based on them, as well as the certification of professionals who use them and establishes the technical requirements for installations engaged in activities emitting fluorinated gases.

According to this decree, personnel engaged in the transportation of fluorinated gas containers or the dismantling of high-voltage switching equipment removed without manipulating the fluids are exempt from the certifications specified in this decree. However, they must comply with the provisions of Real Decreto 97/2014, of February 14, which regulates the operations of dangerous goods transport by road in Spanish territory (ADR), with authorization and registration of transport by the autonomous community, and Real Decreto 180/2015, of March 13, which regulates the transfer of waste within the territory of the State.