Public Information: Hazardous Waste Prevention and Management Plan

The General Law 3/1998, of February 27, on Environmental Protection of the Basque Country, includes the guiding principles of waste policy, prioritizing waste prevention and minimization in production, reuse, and valorization, and considering appropriate disposal when valorization is not possible.

The Department of Environment and Territorial Planning, in compliance with the mandate given to the Environmental Body of the Autonomous Community by Law 3/1998, of February 27, on Environmental Protection of the Basque Country, regarding the preparation of waste plans, has drafted the document called the Hazardous Waste Prevention and Management Plan of the CAPV 2008-2011.

The Plan being promoted contains specifications regarding objectives to be achieved, strategies to be developed, the creation of infrastructures, and financing systems.

Furthermore, Article 10 of Law 9/2006, of April 28, on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment, determines that the consultation phase on the preliminary version of the plan or program, which includes the environmental sustainability report, involves the following actions:

a) Made available to the public.

b) Consultation with affected public administrations and interested parties, who will have a period of 45 days to examine it and make comments.

Considerations and/or allegations regarding the content of the Hazardous Waste Prevention and Management Plan of the CAPV 2008-2011 should be submitted before May 2, 2008, to the following address:

Department of Environment and Territorial Planning of the Basque Government
Environmental Quality Directorate
C/ Donostia-San Sebastián, 1
01010 Vitoria-Gasteiz