Procedures to be applied to liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers destined for satellite plants.

Resolution of May 4, 2015, from the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines, amending protocol PD-12 in detail «Procedures to be applied to liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers destined for satellite plants.»

The Royal Decree 949/2001, of August 3, which regulates third-party access to gas facilities and establishes an integrated economic system for the natural gas sector, outlines the basic guidelines that must be included in the technical management rules of the natural gas system. In its Article 13, paragraph 1, it established that the technical system operator, in collaboration with other parties involved, would draft a proposal for technical management rules of the system, which would be submitted to the Minister of Economy for approval or modification.

In compliance with the above, the Minister of Industry, Tourism, and Trade issued Order ITC/3126/2005, of October 5, approving the technical management rules of the gas system. This order, in its first final provision, authorizes the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines to take the necessary measures for the application and execution of the order, in particular, to approve and modify the detailed protocols of the technical management rules and other requirements, rules, documents, and operating procedures established to ensure the correct operation of the system.

The aforementioned Order ITC/3126/2005, of October 5, in the technical management rule NGTS-12, section 12.2, establishes the creation of a working group for the updating, review, and modification of the rules responsible for submitting proposals for updating, review, and modification of the gas system management rules and protocols for approval by the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines.

Based on the above, a proposal for a new wording of protocol PD-12 has been received on May 20, 2012, by the President of the working group of the Gas System Monitoring Committee for the updating, review, and modification of the gas system management rules and protocols, requesting its study and approval, if appropriate, in order to adapt it to the new documentation since its previous publication, as well as to incorporate new practices and procedures more suited to the current reality of the gas system and its possibilities for action and control.

In accordance with the eleventh additional provision, third paragraph, of Law 34/1998, of October 7, on the hydrocarbons sector, this resolution has been subject to a report by the National Energy Commission, which, for its preparation, has conducted the corresponding hearing procedure through the Hydrocarbons Advisory Council in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.5 of Royal Decree 1339/1999, of July 31, approving the Regulations of the National Energy Commission.

Regarding the allocation of satellite plants: