Resolution of October 9, 2012, from the Directorate General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises, announcing the projects of European and international standards that have been processed as UNE standard projects, corresponding to September 2012.
Published in: Official State Gazette, No. 260 of October 29, 2012, pages 76109 to 76113 (5 pages). Section: III. Other provisions Department: Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism Reference: BOE-A-2012-13402
TEXT In compliance with the provisions of Article 11.e) of the Regulation for Infrastructure for Quality and Industrial Safety, approved by Royal Decree 2200/1995, of December 28 (Official State Gazette No. 32, of February 6, 1996) and considering the file of projects under processing by the European standardization bodies CEN, CENELEC, ETSI and international ISO and IEC, whose national transposition corresponds to the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR), Designated Entity by Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of February 26, 1986, in accordance with Royal Decree 1614/1985, of August 1, and recognized for these purposes by the first additional provision of the aforementioned Royal Decree 2200/1995, of December 28.
Considering the procedure for the development of European standards, in accordance with section 11.2.3 of the common rules of CEN/CENELEC and 13.4 of the ETSI procedural rules for the standardization work of European bodies and section 2.6 of the ISO/IEC Guidelines for the technical work of international bodies.
This Directorate General has resolved to submit to public information in the «Official State Gazette,» the list of draft standards, which once approved as European and international standards, will be adopted as UNE standards and are included in the annex attached to this resolution, indicating the code, title and duration of the public information period established for each project, which will start from the day following the publication of this resolution.
Madrid, October 9, 2012.–The Director General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises, Manuel Valle Muñoz.
ANNEX Standards in parallel public information for September 2012
Code Title Deadline (days) PNE-EN 13083:2008/A1 .- Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Service equipment for tanks. Adapter for bottom loading and unloading.
Standard PNE-EN 13083:2008/A1 Spanish Title Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Service equipment for tanks. Adapter for bottom loading and unloading. English Title Tanks for transport of dangerous goods – Service equipment for tanks – Adapter for bottom loading and unloading French Title Citernes de transport de matières dangereuses – Équipement de service pour citernes – Adaptateur pour le chargement et le déchargement par le bas ICS 13.300 / Protection against dangerous goods 23.020.20 / Containers and tanks on vehicles 23.040.60 / Flanges, couplings and joints AEN/CTN Committee 62 – INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT AND PRESSURE EQUIPMENT Will modify UNE-EN 13083:2009