PINSURE: Unsubscription of Safety Advisors Official
Bulletin of the Junta de Andalucía on 09/05/2012
Announcement of August 6, 2012, from the Territorial Delegation of Development, Housing, Tourism, and Trade in Cadiz, Transportation Service, regarding the notification of unsubscription of Safety Advisors in the transportation of dangerous goods.
Given the unknown current address of the individuals and entities listed because they were not found at the addresses in the files of this Delegation, or notification attempts have been unsuccessful, and to whom proceedings for Safety Advisors in the transportation of dangerous goods are being processed, in accordance with the provisions of articles 59.5 and 60.2 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, the following is notified through this announcement:
NOTIFICATIONS Title: Pinsure, S.L. Address: Industrial Estate Guadarranque, L 1-D. Postal Code: 11369. City: San Roque. Province: Cádiz. Subject: Notification of unsubscription of Safety Advisor. This is notified so that, if deemed appropriate, each interested party may appear to learn the full content of the mentioned act and obtain proof of such knowledge at this Delegation, located at Edificio Junta de Andalucía, Plaza de Asdrúbal, s/n, 11071 Cádiz, and in accordance with the provisions of article 115.1 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, against this resolution, which is not final, an administrative appeal may be filed through this Provincial Delegation in accordance with article 114.2, before the Director General of Mobility, within one month from the day following its publication.
Cádiz, August 6, 2012.- The Delegate, Manuel Cárdenas Moreno.