Multilateral Agreement M-228 – Transport of pre-production prototypes of large assemblies of lithium-ion batteries (UN 3480), done in Madrid on March 12, 2014.

Multilateral Agreement M-228 implementing section 1.5.1 of Annex A of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), concerning the transport of pre-production prototypes of large assemblies of lithium-ion batteries (UN 3480), done in Madrid on March 12, 2014.

Multilateral Agreement M-228

Under the provisions of section 1.5.1 of Annex A of the ADR, regarding the transport of pre-production prototypes of large assemblies of lithium-ion batteries (UN 3480).

(1) By derogation from the provisions of Special Provision 310 of Chapter 3.3 of the ADR, pre-production prototypes of large assemblies of lithium-ion batteries, not tested according to subsection 38.3 of the Testing and Criteria Manual, with a gross mass exceeding 100 kg, conforming to the provisions of the second paragraph of this agreement, may be transported in robust packaging, of a type not approved under Chapter 6.1, in accordance with the requirements of the third paragraph of this agreement.

(2) Construction of the battery assembly:

  • Battery modules or cells are assembled into a robust and insulating structure that mechanically protects them and are fixed to this structure in a way that prevents any movement.
  • Each module or cell must be rigidly and securely fixed inside a tray or outer packaging, made of robust panels, metallic or of a composite material of equivalent strength, with appropriate strength and design for the intended use and the mass of the elements it contains.

(3) The packaging must meet the following provisions:

(a) If the battery assembly is made to be transported vertically:

  • The battery assembly must be placed in an inner packaging consisting of an aluminum-coated plastic bag, thermally sealable, wrapped in sufficient non-combustible cushioning and absorbent material to prevent any accidental leakage outside the packaging.
  • The battery assembly shall be securely attached to a pallet through shock absorbers capable of minimizing the effects of impacts or vibrations, allowing the handling of the pallet, its lifting, and its tilting up to its tipping point without breaking.
  • The pallet forms the bottom of the outer packaging, consisting of a robust box made of plywood, plastic, or metal, respectively in accordance with the construction provisions of subsections;, or;
  • A non-combustible insulating material, with a minimum thickness of 40 mm, must be placed between the inner packaging and the outer packaging, and must be securely fixed to the walls of both packaging.
  • The outer packaging must bear the orientation arrows in accordance with subsection of the ADR.

(b) If the battery assembly is made to be transported horizontally:

  • The battery assembly must be placed in an inner packaging consisting of an aluminum-coated plastic bag, thermally sealable;
  • The battery assembly and its bag must be placed in a robust box made of plywood, plastic, or metal, respectively in accordance with the construction provisions of subsections,, or, and must be secured to prevent any movement in the packaging, and must be wrapped in sufficient non-combustible cushioning and absorbent material to prevent any accidental leakage outside the packaging;
  • The box containing the battery assembly shall be placed in a robust outer packaging made of plywood, plastic, or metal, respectively in accordance with the construction provisions of subsections,, or, and separated from the inner box by shock absorbers capable of minimizing the effects of impacts and vibrations, distributed around the inner box.
  • A non-combustible insulating material must be placed between the inner box and the outer packaging.

(4) For the purposes of this agreement, the term «non-combustible» refers to a definition set by an appropriate standard, recognized in the country of packaging (for example, standard EN 13501-1 in the European Union).

(5) The other provisions of the ADR concerning the transport of lithium-ion batteries (UN 3480) apply.

(6) This agreement applies to transports carried out between the contracting parties of the ADR that have signed this agreement, under their territories, until December 26, 2015, provided it is not revoked prior to that date by any of the signatories, in which case it shall only be applicable to transports carried out between the contracting parties of the ADR that have signed this agreement and have not revoked it, under their territories, until that same date.

Done in Madrid on March 12, 2014.–The competent authority for the ADR in Spain, Joaquín del Moral Salcedo, Director General of Land Transport.

This Agreement entered into force on March 12, 2014, the date of signature by the competent authority for the ADR in Spain.

Madrid, June 25, 2014.–The Technical General Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Fabiola Gallego Caballero.