CSN Instruction IS-42 Notification to the Council of Incidents in the Transport of Radioactive Material

Incident in the transport of radioactive material: Any incident or accident that occurs or is detected in the process of loading, transport, storage in transit, or unloading and that may or may have affected the radiological safety of the packages or the shipment.

  1. Incidents in the transport of radioactive material that must be reported to the CSN.

a) The disappearance (loss or theft) of radioactive material in exempted packages, industrial packages, or Type A packages, occurring or detected during transport, storage in transit, intermediate passage through airports, ports, etc., as well as that detected upon receipt at the final destination, shall be reported before 24:00 hours from the moment the incident is known. Before reporting any disappearance of these types of packages, it must be confirmed that appropriate efforts have been made to locate the packages without obtaining results.

b) The disappearance (loss or theft) of radioactive material in Type B(U) packages, Type B(M) packages, Type C packages, or fissile material packages, occurring or detected during transport, storage in transit, intermediate passage through airports, ports, etc., as well as that detected upon receipt at the final destination, shall be reported immediately (within one hour) once the incident is known.

c) The breakdown of the transport vehicle that results in its stoppage, if it is noticed that there has been a loss of any safety barrier of the radioactive material packages or if the sufficient level of security of the shipment cannot be guaranteed, shall be reported immediately (within one hour) once the incident is known.

d) Accident during transport, if it is suspected or noticed that there has been a loss of any safety barrier of the radioactive material packages or if the sufficient level of security of the shipment cannot be guaranteed, shall be reported immediately (within one hour) once the incident is known.

e) Accident during transport in which there is no suspicion or notice that there has been a loss of any safety barrier of the radioactive material packages and the sufficient level of security of the shipment can be guaranteed shall be reported before 24.00 hours from the moment the incident is known.

f) Fall or other incident occurring during the handling of radioactive material transport packages in loading and unloading operations, if it is suspected or noticed that there has been a loss of any safety barrier of the radioactive material packages, shall be reported immediately (within one hour) once the incident is known.

g) Threat to the physical security of transport, such as that resulting from attempted intrusion or sabotage on the transport vehicle, intentional degradation of physical security, blockage of traffic routes, or plausible bomb threat, shall be reported immediately (within one hour) once the incident is known.


  1. Regardless of the notification, the shipper of the radioactive material, the carrier, the loader/unloader, or the recipient, who have reported an incident in the transport of radioactive material, must submit within a maximum period of 30 days from the notification, a detailed report to the CSN including an analysis of the causes of the incident and the corrective or preventive measures that have been taken or that must be taken. The CSN will have available to users a report model to submit this information.


  1. The CSN, if it deems it appropriate, may require the submission of additional information to the report referred to in point 6, to the shipper, carrier, loader/unloader, or recipient of the radioactive material involved in an incident, even if they have not been the ones reporting it. Likewise, it may require the review of the corresponding report if it considers it necessary for understanding.


Fourth. Preparation of a Notification Procedure for incidents to the CSN.

Within a period not exceeding six months from the entry into force of this Instruction, shippers, loaders/unloaders, recipients, and carriers of radioactive material must have a procedure containing the criteria for reporting incidents in the transport of radioactive material established in Article Three, which are applicable to them.


Notification of incidents in the transport of radioactive material

Contact person: (Identification of the person making the notification).

Organization to which they belong:



Date of the incident: (day/hour).

Exact location of the incident:

Mode of transport: Road/Air/Maritime/Rail.





Type of Incident:

Disappearance of material:

Transport vehicle breakdown:

Loading/unloading incident:


Physical security threat:

Description of the transported materials (The information in this section may be provided by providing transportation documentation: waybill, declaration of dangerous goods).

Number of radioactive packages:

Type of packages: (exempted, industrial Type 1, industrial Type 2, industrial Type 3, Type A, Type B(U), Type B(M), Type C, and fissile material).

UN number:

For each package, the following shall be indicated:

Radioactive isotopes:


Transport index (TI):

Safety Index with respect to Criticality (SIC): (if applicable).

Description of the incident (include possible causes):

Damage to packages:

Damage to the transport vehicle:

Immediate corrective actions (if taken):

Entities and/or Authorities involved in the incident: