Course on Intervention in Emergencies Related to Hazardous Materials

Official Gazette of Galicia of April 2, 2012

RESOLUTION of March 26, 2012, convening a course on intervention in emergencies related to hazardous materials.

Article 43 of Law 5/2007, of May 7, on emergencies in Galicia, establishes that the personnel of the integrated system of civil protection and emergencies in Galicia will be trained, both professional personnel of services performing activities related to risk and emergency management, as well as volunteer personnel from public or private non-profit entities or organizations aimed at protecting people, property, and the environment in risk and emergency management situations. According to Article 44 of the aforementioned law, this personnel will be organized into operational groups.
By Resolution of August 2, 2010, the Territorial Emergency Plan of Galicia (Platerga) was published, which establishes the structure of direction and coordination and the organizational units to deal with emergencies that may occur in Galicia: derived from natural, technological, or anthropic risks.