
Radiological Protection Measures, Non-Conformity Reporting, Availability of Personnel and Resources in Emergencies, and Cargo Surveillance in the Transport of Radioactive Material

https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2012/02/04/pdfs/BOE-A-2012-1733.pdf Instruction IS-34, dated January 18, 2012, from the Nuclear Safety Council, regarding criteria related to radiological protection measures, non-conformity reporting, availability of personnel and resources in emergencies, and cargo surveillance in the transport of radioactive material. First. Purpose and Scope of Application This Instruction aims to establish the criteria of the Nuclear Safety Council

Radiological Protection Measures, Non-Conformity Reporting, Availability of Personnel and Resources in Emergencies, and Cargo Surveillance in the Transport of Radioactive Material Leer más »

SICUR 2012

The Occupational Risk Prevention area of SICUR, which brings together all the international offer in Personal Protective Equipment, prevention measures, and occupational health. Fire Safety, The area that presents the specialized offer in active and passive protection in the fight against fire and fire prevention. It also pays special attention to the world of firefighters

SICUR 2012 Leer más »

Regulation No 105 UNECE on vehicles for the carriage of dangerous goods

Official Journal of the European Union of 07/01/2012 II (NON-LEGISLATIVE ACTS)ACTS ADOPTED BY BODIES CREATED UNDER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTSUNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE (UNECE) 2010 Amendments to Regulation No 105 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to their specific construction features for the

Regulation No 105 UNECE on vehicles for the carriage of dangerous goods Leer más »

Agreement Multilateral RID 3/2011

Official State Bulletin of 23/01/2012 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND COOPERATION Multilateral Agreement RID 3/2011 under Section 1.5.1 of the International Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) (published in the «Official State Bulletin» number 59, dated March 9, 2007), concerning the transport of chemicals under pressure, made in Madrid on August

Agreement Multilateral RID 3/2011 Leer más »

Resolution of January 24, 2012, of the Directorate General of Traffic, establishing special traffic regulation measures for the year 2012.

https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2012/02/04/pdfs/BOE-A-2012-1677.pdf Hazardous Goods:B.2.1 Vehicles required to display the orange warning panels according to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), on Sundays and public holidays within the corresponding territorial scope – national or regional -, from eight to twenty-four hours, and on the eve of these holidays, not Saturdays,

Resolution of January 24, 2012, of the Directorate General of Traffic, establishing special traffic regulation measures for the year 2012. Leer más »

Hazardous Goods Safety Data Sheet Guide for Transportation

The Hazardous Goods Safety Data Sheet Guide contains all applicable regulations for the transportation of Hazardous Goods by road and rail in Castilla y León, as well as the identification, classification, and characteristic risks (life hazards, fire hazards, chemical instability, reaction with water, etc.) of a large number of dangerous substances. Additionally, it provides information

Hazardous Goods Safety Data Sheet Guide for Transportation Leer más »

Regulation concerning the international transport of dangerous goods by rail. RID-2011

Author:Directorate General of Land Transport. Publications Center, Ministry of Public WorksYear:2011Edition:1Place of publication:MadridDimensions:21×30Typology:Single publicationSupport:Paper and PDF download, webLanguage of edition:SpanishISBN:978-84-498-0893-7NIPO:161-11-093-8Subjects:RegulationsPrice (VAT included):€36Review:Publication of the Normative Series regarding the international rail transport of dangerous goods (RID), applicable from January 1st, 2011, a text that supersedes and replaces the provisions of January 1st, 2009. Link to the

Regulation concerning the international transport of dangerous goods by rail. RID-2011 Leer más »