The Catalan Traffic Service has published Resolution ISP/430/2025, dated February 11, establishing traffic restrictions for the year 2025. These limitations affect certain vehicles and loads to ensure road safety, mobility, and smooth traffic flow on the interurban road network in Catalonia.
Legal Basis for the Restrictions
According to Article 5 of the consolidated text of the Traffic, Motor Vehicle Circulation, and Road Safety Law (Royal Legislative Decree 6/2015, of October 30) and Article 39 of the General Traffic Regulations (Royal Decree 1428/2003, of November 21), temporary or permanent traffic restrictions can be imposed to enhance safety and mobility, particularly during high-traffic periods such as holidays or vacation seasons.

Specific Restrictions for Vehicles with Mandatory Orange Panels
Vehicles transporting dangerous goods and required to display an orange panel are subject to additional restrictions throughout Catalonia’s interurban road network:
- Eves of public holidays (Wednesdays or Thursdays): from 16:00 to 24:00.
- Sundays and public holidays (except Saturdays): from 08:00 to 24:00.
- Consecutive public holidays, including Sundays:
- First day: from 08:00 to 15:00.
- Last day: from 08:00 to 24:00.
- Intermediate days: no restrictions.
- Eve of consecutive public holidays: from 16:00 to 24:00.
Scope and Responsibilities
These restrictions may apply to specific routes, affecting both interurban roads and town crossings. Additionally, some vehicles may be subject to limitations depending on their technical characteristics or the nature of the cargo transported.
The Catalan Traffic Service, an agency under the Department of Interior and Public Security, is responsible for managing and controlling traffic in Catalonia, ensuring road safety and mobility throughout the road network.
Exemptions from the Restrictions
According to Annex C of the resolution, certain vehicles transporting dangerous goods are permanently exempt from calendar-based restrictions, including their return trips when empty. These exemptions apply to:
- Liquefied gases for domestic use, bottled or in tankers, either for distribution points or direct delivery to consumers.
- Fuels intended for service stations, ports, airports (for refueling ships and aircraft), railway transportation, domestic heating, emergency generator groups, and private consumption centers for road transport vehicles.
- Gases required for healthcare facilities and medical home assistance, as well as deliveries to distribution warehouses for the same purposes.
- Essential products for the continuous operation of industrial centers, healthcare facilities, or emergency services, breakdowns, or unforeseen services, provided they are documented.
- Products originating from or destined for healthcare facilities.
- Transport of dangerous goods to or from ports and airports, provided they need to travel during restricted hours and on restricted routes.
- Pyrotechnic materials, subject to the applicable authorization.
These exemptions will only apply at night between 23:00 and 06:00 in the Cadí Tunnel and during daytime between 06:00 and 10:00 in the Vielha Tunnel.
This new resolution aims to optimize traffic flow and enhance safety in Catalonia during 2025. Transporters and companies in the sector are advised to review the full text of the regulation and plan their routes in advance to avoid penalties and delays.
For more information, visit the official website of the Catalan Traffic Service or consult the Official Gazette where Resolution ISP/430/2025 is published.