MI-IP 04 «Facilities for vehicle refueling»

Royal Decree 706/2017, of July 7, approving the complementary technical instruction MI-IP 04 «Facilities for Vehicle Refueling» and regulating certain aspects of the regulation of petroleum installations. Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) number 183, on August 2, 2017, pages 75043 to 75095 (53 pages). Section: I. General provisions Department: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Reference: BOE-A-2017-9188

In the event that it is necessary to transport the tank for repair without degassing, the standards established in the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) or, where applicable, the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID) must be complied with.

CHAPTER XII Temporary Installations

12.1 Temporary Autonomous Installations.

Temporary autonomous installations are considered to be temporary facilities composed of one or more storage tanks with their supply equipment to supply vehicles.

Temporary autonomous installations may only be installed for construction, technical tests, or other duly justified reasons, and their use is limited to cases where there is no change of consignee.

Mobile containers authorized for the transport of dangerous goods may be used as storage tanks, which must be placed on a drip tray with a capacity of at least 10% of that of the containers.

For tank storage, single-walled overhead tanks with a drip tray with a capacity of at least 10% of the tank’s capacity, or double-walled overhead tanks with a drip tray for accidental spillage, are required.

For technical tests with Class B products, surface storage outside buildings is permitted provided it is in supervised facilities located in protected enclosures.

The duration of these installations shall not exceed 12 months from the date of commissioning, and may be extended for justified reasons.

In cases where the established period is exceeded, these installations, except those consisting of mobile equipment, shall be considered fixed installations, for which communication of the installation in accordance with point 14.1 shall be required.

12.2 Vehicle Refueling Installations for Sports Events.

These installations are defined as the set composed of one or more storage tanks with their supply equipment to refuel vehicles participating in sports events.

They may be temporarily installed for duly authorized sports events. These units are not permitted to be installed indoors with Class B fuel. Loading and unloading shall be carried out using pumping equipment with suitable protection for the type of product.

Authorized tanks for the transport of dangerous goods of flammable liquids or approved mobile containers for the transport of dangerous goods may be used as storage tanks, which must be placed on a drip tray with a capacity of at least 10% of that of the containers.

These installations shall comply with the safety requirements established in this Technical Instruction for installations without a change of consignee. For Class B products, the installation of tanks on the surface shall be allowed.


14.4.1 Temporary Autonomous Installations.

The holder of the temporary autonomous installation that complies with the description in Chapter XII shall notify the competent authority of the Autonomous Community of the installation by submitting a document containing the following information:

  • Holder.
  • Initial location of the temporary autonomous installation. The document must include UTM coordinates.
  • Date of commencement of activity.
  • Estimated duration of use.
  • Intended use of the installation.
  • Tank and equipment manufacturing certificate.
  • Number of supply equipment, brand, model, power type, and type of electrical protection.
  • In the case of mobile containers authorized for the transport of dangerous goods, the types of containers (drums, IBCs, serial numbers where applicable), and copies of the documents proving their authorization, type approval for drums, and Initial or Periodic Inspection Certificate if they are IBCs.

The document shall be accompanied by a compliance certificate with this Technical Instruction issued by an authorized control body.

No project submission shall be required.

When there are both vehicle refueling installations and installations supplying machines and/or engines, subject to MI IP03, at the same location, both installations shall comply with the provisions of this Technical Instruction if both installations serve the same holder.

Upon completion of the activity at the installation, the holder shall proceed to notify its termination.

14.4.2 Vehicle Refueling Installations for Sports Events.

Their installation and duration, which shall coincide with the sports event, shall be notified to the competent authority of the Autonomous Community by means of a document containing the following information:

  • Holder.
  • Location of the sports event.
  • Start date of the sports event.
  • End date of the sports event.
  • Type of sports event.
  • Tank and equipment manufacturing certificate.
  • Number of supply equipment, brand, model, power type, and type of electrical protection.
  • In the case of mobile containers authorized for the transport of dangerous goods, the types of containers (drums, IBCs, serial numbers where applicable), and copies of the documents proving their authorization, type approval for drums, and Initial or Periodic Inspection Certificate if they are IBCs.

The document shall be accompanied by a compliance certificate with the standards of the container-storage equipment set issued by an authorized control body.


  1. Retail supply of gasoline and diesel to containers or packaging is permitted, provided the following conditions are met:

a) The supply shall be a maximum of 60 liters for gasoline and 240 liters for diesel, complying with the standards and recommendations set forth in the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).

b) Filling of containers or packaging shall be carried out exclusively from the nozzle of a dispenser at the installation.