Ministerial Order FOM/167/2015 regarding railway vehicles

Ministerial Order FOM/167/2015, of February 6, regulating the conditions for the entry into service of structural subsystems, lines, and railway vehicles.

Article 1. Purpose and scope of this order.

  1. The purpose of this order is:

a) Establishing the requirements that structural subsystems, whether individually or grouped in lines or railway vehicles, must meet in order to be put into service on the General Railway Network in accordance with Article 10.4 of Royal Decree 1434/2010, of November 5, on interoperability of the railway system of the General Railway Network. These requirements shall relate to conditions aimed at ensuring the essential requirements defined in Annex III of said Royal Decree.

b) Regulating the process of authorization for the entry or commissioning of structural subsystems, lines, and railway vehicles.

c) Establishing the amounts of the fee for the entry into service of rolling stock for each class of railway vehicle.

  1. This order does not establish the characteristics of units or containers for the transport of dangerous or perishable goods that are incorporated onto railway rolling stock, nor does it modify the technical regulations for the inspection, approval, or repair of such units, as set forth in the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), and the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP).
  2. Furthermore, in accordance with the sole additional provision of Royal Decree 1434/2010, of November 5, vehicles reserved for strictly historical or tourist use are excluded from the scope of application.