Royal Decree 873/2014 establishing the basic organizational structure of the Ministry of the Interior.

Royal Decree 873/2014, of October 10, which modifies Royal Decree 400/2012, of February 17, which develops the basic organizational structure of the Ministry of the Interior.

«Article 10. Directorate General of Traffic.

  1. The Directorate General of Traffic, through which the Ministry of the Interior exercises its competences over the Autonomous Body Central Traffic Headquarters, is responsible for the following functions:


h) Management of road safety education, driver training, organization of aptitude tests, including examiner training; regulation, registration, and control of private driving schools and centers authorized for the assessment of psychophysical aptitudes of drivers; drafting instructions on the issuance, renewal, and exchange of driving licenses.


ñ) Providing information to users of interurban roads about traffic incidents and drafting instructions regarding intelligent transport systems, the circulation of special transports, vehicles transporting dangerous goods, and road sports events, without prejudice to the competences of the Ministry of Public Works.»