UNE standards approved by AENOR during the month of January 2014.

Resolution of March 6, 2014, from the Directorate General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises, publishing the list of UNE standards approved by AENOR during the month of January 2014.
Published in: Official State Gazette (BOE) number 71, dated March 24, 2014, pages 26241 to 26246 (6 pages).
Section: III. Other provisions
Department: Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism
Reference: BOE-A-2014-3155

UNE-EN 16249:2014
Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods – Service equipment – Adapter lid for bottom filling and emptying.

UNE-EN 16261-2:2014
Pyrotechnic articles – Pyrotechnic articles category 4 – Part 2: Requirements.

UNE-EN 16261-3:2014
Pyrotechnic articles – Pyrotechnic articles category 4 – Part 3: Test methods.