Resolution of December 20, 2013 – calling for tests on knowledge of Spanish maritime legislation for the year 2014.

Resolution of December 20, 2013, from the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy, calling for tests on knowledge of Spanish maritime legislation for the year 2014 and updating their content.
Published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) number 23, dated January 27, 2014, pages 5015 to 5021 (7 pages).
Section: III. Other provisions
Department: Ministry of Public Works
Reference: BOE-A-2014-818

  1. Admission of dangerous goods in ports (I): Scope of application and exemptions. Powers of Port Authorities. Admission and notification. Especially designated berths and anchorages. Royal Decree 145/89, of January 20, approving the Regulation on Admission, Handling, and Storage of Dangerous Goods in national ports.
  2. Admission of dangerous goods in ports (II): Obligations of vessels operating with dangerous goods. Obligations of vessels navigating within the port. Emergency plans and self-protection. Royal Decree 210/2004, of February 6, establishing a system for monitoring and information on maritime traffic.