Hazmat Training Program

This CD is an interactive computer tool for the training and education of intervention services in emergencies involving Hazardous Materials and CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) Risks (Hazmat Training). It has been possible to develop it thanks to the members of ASELF, incorporated into a multinational project within the CTIF (International Technical Committee for Fire Prevention and Extinction).

The Directorate General of Civil Protection and Emergencies is responsible for subsidizing and disseminating this program among Spanish firefighting corps and other intervention services.

We trust that this work we are presenting now will result in a better professional qualification of the personnel who train with it and serve as a starting point for the future development of new structures to continue improving professional capabilities in this field of emergencies.

The Hazmat Training project began in 1998 in the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland) and has been joined by Slovenia and Spain.


  • Identification of hazard numbers, UN numbers, and hazardous materials placards.
  • Definitions regarding physical data used in the description of chemical processes.
  • Protection levels used in CBRN interventions according to associated risks. Types of CBRN suits, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), etc.
  • Hazard zones based on the type of chemical substance, delimitation of risk zones, factors influencing their definition.
  • Basic concepts of radiological, biological, or chemical risks.
  • Basic concepts of command and control in interventions during a CBRN incident.
  • Development of scenarios of possible intervention situations that must be solved sequentially by the user, answering the questions that arise.
  • Theory.
  • Exercises with theoretical questions for user self-assessment. In case of an incorrect answer, a comment appears showing where the solution can be found in the chapter. Tactical scenarios also exist.
  • Examination containing questions and a tactical scenario.
  • The last chapter contains information on all the questions answered by the user and also shows results of the tactical scenarios. These results can be printed as an «individual diploma».

Request for the CD:
Organizations interested in obtaining this CD with the interactive CBRN course should request it from the Directorate General of Civil Protection and Emergencies at riesgoquimico@procivil.mir.es. The number of copies for distribution is limited, so the Directorate General will make a selection among the requests received before sending the CD.
The request will be made by email indicating the following information:

  • Name of the requester.
  • Position of the requester.
  • Organization for which the program is requested.
  • Administration to which the organization belongs.
  • If the requester is a fire department, indicate the number of firefighters it comprises.
  • Indicate the relationship between the job position and the CD.
  • Mailing address.
  • Phone number.
  • Email address.